Blogging 201: Day Five

Today’s class is all about stats, and I’m starting with a question: Why did Michelle pick the Quarter’s summary of views, rather than the Year’s summary?

For some reason, I’ve never even looked at the ‘Quarter’; I just automatically go to ‘Year’. Which is what I did today…

And, tah dah, my three most viewed posts, apart from my Home Page, are:

Thai Masaman yellow coconut curry recipe with pork and lychee 235
Picaditas del Puerto de Veracruz 191
Brugse Zot and the Half Moon Brewery Tour in Brugge, Belgium 174

I checked them over and found that all three are a type of photo-essay, with lots of photos, and captions that tend to be personal rather than wikipedia-style informational. And all three posts took a looooong time to put together.

Then I noticed that the Photo Challenges, something a LOT easier for me to put together, were a fair ways down the list. Most of my most popular Challenges are more recent. Is this the reason why Michelle chose the Quarter summary? If so, here’s my Quarter:

Picaditas del Puerto de Veracruz 79
Weekly Photo Challenge: Street Life in Hanoi 64
About 52
Weekly Photo Challenge: Abandoned Village in India 50
Weekly Photo Challenge: Juxtaposition of Old with New 49

And there are the Photo Challenges. The Picaditas are still at the top though; the ones with the green salsa really are delicious!

From this summary I see that the Daily Post Photo Challenges are more popular than any of the other photo challenges, and my most popular ones seem to be of slightly unique places and things that not everyone gets a chance to see.

I’ll process that info for awhile and move on to the second summary. I assumed that my stats would mirror the Daily Post’s, because Mondays and Fridays seem to be the days that most people would be on the web. After all, Monday mornings call for a little light reading before settling down to a week of work, and Fridays seem perfect for a little celebratory web-browsing.

But my stats are all over the place. I’m not sure what to make of this. I do post rather erratically so perhaps that has to do with the results? I have a blip on a Monday and another on a Wednesday. I know the April 17th blip was caused by participation in this course, but I’m not sure about the March 10th blip. I think I get a message when there is a blip, so when I get one I should probably try to determine why.

weekly summary

I tend to be easily distracted, write posts on a whim and don’t even want to put together a schedule. Maybe I should? The second half class 5 is to make an editorial calendar. But to do that would make blogging seem more like work. And I want to keep carrying on the way I have in the past.


Albatz in a dither…

More about Day Five of the Blogging University:

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